Tanya Wideman-Davis
Dance Theatre of Harlem (1993-1998, 2000-2002)
Joffrey Ballet (1990-2000)*
Complexions Contemporary Ballet (1998-2001)
Cleveland San Jose Ballet: Guest (1999)
Donald Byrd: The Group: Guest (2000)
Dance Galaxy: Fugate/Bahiri Ballet NY (2000-2001)
Alonzo King LINES Ballet (2002-2004)
Spectrum Dance Theater (2004-2005)
Ballet Memphis: Guest (2006)
Quorum Ballet: Guest (2008-2009)

As well as teaching at the University of South Carolina, she is now the co-artistic director (alongside partner Thaddeus Davis) of Wideman/Davis Dance, which was founded in 2003. Together they have choreographed Past-Carry-Forward for Dance Theatre of Harlem. The company has a “deep commitment to revealing social and political issues thru [sic] an African American perspective.”
*Note that sources may be erroneous in these dates as it is more likely that Wideman-Davis danced with Joffrey during her hiatus from DTH, from 1998 to 2000.

Tanya Wideman-Daivs, Wideman/Davis Dance
Dance Theatre of Harlem Repertory List, Columbia University Libraries
Thaddeus Davis & Tanya Wideman-Davis, Alabama Dance Council
Wideman/Davis Dance, Duke: Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Dance Program
Dance Theatre of Harlem – 45th Anniversary Season at Lincoln Center – New York, Dance Tabs
See also:
A performance that brings Black stories to white-dominated spaces, Arts Canvas
Video links:
Let’s Dance, Work By: Tanya Wideman-Davis
Social media:
LinkedIn Tanya Wideman-Davis
Twitter @WDDance