Christina Cottman Pierangeli
Dance Theatre of Harlem

Christina Cottman Pierangeli trained at the Judimar School under Marion Cuyjet. While a dance major at Mercyhurst College (from 1974 to 1978), Cottman Pierangeli attended a summer workshop at Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, tutored other college students in dance, and instructed ballet classes at the Martin Luther King Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. She then danced with the Dance Theatre of Harlem and earned degrees in dance education from Temple University. Cottman Pierangeli founded the Salem High School Dance Program in New Jersey and has been a teacher there since 2000.

The aboutness of Dance Theatre of Harlem: the 25th anniversary. A conversational gathering.
Salem City Council honors those making a positive difference in the community,
Salem High School to present ‘Back to the 80s’ in March,
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Ballet, edited by Jill Nunes Jensen and Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel
Diet-conscious dancers have ‘substitute’ menus, The Sentinel (TW: eating disorders, body dysmorphia)
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LinkedIn Christina (Cottman) Pierangeli