Nikki Taylor
Collage Dance Collective

Memphis, TN native Nikki Taylor began dancing when she was three at several schools throughout Memphis, including the Girls Inc. program and Ballet Memphis.
Taylor went on to earn a BFA in dance performance and choreography from the University of Southern Mississippi, where she was a member of and choreographed for Repertory Dance Company in addition to being a teacher’s assistant. After college, she moved to Texas and later returned to Memphis to enter into Collage Dance Collective’s Collage Dance Corps in 2012. In 2014, Taylor joined the main company.
In addition to performing, Taylor taught at schools such as Collage Ballet Conservatory, DanzHouse Memphis, and the Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts.
Alongside Brandye Lee, Daphne Lee, Kimberley Ho-Tsai, and Luisa Cardoso, Taylor was featured in a photo of five women ballet dancers of color which went viral in early 2017.

GIM empowered talented alum to teach, lead – and keep on dancing, Girls Inc. of Memphis
About DanzHouse, DanzHouse Memphis
Nicole Taylor, Collage Dance Collective
See also:
Will Black And Brown Girls Change The Face Of Ballet In 2017?, Vibe
Viral Photograph Culturally on Pointe, MindFood
Social media:
Instagram @nicole_m_tt
LinkedIn Nicole Taylor