Rupert Edwards III
Hartford Ballet
American Repertory Ballet
Boston Ballet
Tulsa Ballet: Demi-Soloist
Houston Ballet: Corps de Ballet (2010-2016)

Rupert Edwards III is a native of both Jamaica and Hartford, Connecticut and trained at the School of Hartford Ballet. Edwards has danced professionally with numerous companies: Hartford Ballet, American Repertory Ballet, Boston Ballet, Tulsa Ballet (as a demi-soloist), and Houston Ballet (from 2010 to 2016). With HB, he originated a role in Edward Liang’s Murmuration (2013), and his repertoire included Stanton Welch’s Swan Lake, Madame Butterfly and Romeo and Juliet; Ronald Hynd’s The Merry Widow; Ben Stevenson’s The Nutcracker, Dracula and The Sleeping Beauty; Anna-Marie Holmes’ Don Quixote; Rudy van Dantzig’s Romeo & Juliet; George Balanchine’s Prodigal Son; and Graham Lustig’s Cinderella.
Edwards is a part-time instructor at Houston Ballet Academy and married fellow dancer Karina Gonzalez-Edwards, principal dancer with Houston Ballet, in 2016.
Artistic Staff, Houston Ballet
Rupert Edwards, J&H Dancing
Victoria Ballet Theatre, Victoria Advocate
Choreography Workshop, Hartford Courant
Ballet attracts more boys to the barre, Hartford Courant
Video links:
Breaking Boundaries | Ep. 4 “Through the Male Dancer’s Lens”
Don Quixote and Other Ballets – Sneak Peek
Social media:
Instagram @rupertedwards3
LinkedIn Rupert Edwards