Keith Saunders
Dance Theatre of Harlem ( 1975-1985, 1989-2018)

Saunders then served as assistant ballet master of the company starting in 1994, became ballet master in 1996, and acted as the director of the DTH Ensemble from 2004 to 2012.
He received his MFA in dance from Hollins University in 2017 and has taught at the BalletMet Dance Academy, Ballet Tech, DTH School, University of Wyoming, Snowy Range Dance Festival, Steps on Broadway, and the 92nd Street Y.
Since 2018, Saunders has worked as an assistant professor at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. He has presented on Arthur Mitchell and DTH twice at professional conferences.

Keith Saunders, Corps de Ballet International
Keith Saunders, Texas Christian University
Q&A with Keith Saunders, Baltimore Magazine
BWW Interviews: DTH’s Dance Master Keith Saunders Talks Ballet and The Legacy of Harlem, Broadway World
Dance Up Close to The Dance Theatre of Harlem, Dance Enthusiast
Repertory List, Columbia University Libraries
Video links:
Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival: Keith Saunders
Dance Theatre of Harlem Master Class @ DTHuntsville
Mayerson Master Artists Series: Dance Theatre of Harlem
Social media:
LinkedIn Keith Saunders