1972 – DTH gets permanent location / Anna Benna Sims joined the Grand Ballet Canadiens + 1972 The Dance Theatre of Harlem school moves to its permanent location The Dance Theatre of Harlem school moves to its permanent […]
1973 – Sandra Fortune of the Capitol Ballet competes in the International Ballet Competition/Christopher Boatwright joins the Stuttgart Ballet 1973 Sandra Fortune of the Capitol Ballet competes in the International Ballet Competition In 1973, Sandra Fortune was the only American in […]
1974 – Anthony Bassae co-founds the Trockadero de Monte Carlo / Dance Theatre of Harlem debuts flesh-tone tights and shoes 1974 Anthony Bassae co-founds the Trockadero de Monte Carlo In 1974, Anthony Bassae co-founded Les Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo, an all-male […]
1975 – Lydia Abarca becomes the first Black female ballerina on the cover of Dance Magazine / Keith Lee leaves American Ballet Theatre / Sylvester Campbell leaves Béjart 1975 Dance Theatre of Harlem’s Lydia Abarca becomes the first Black female ballerina on the cover of Dance Magazine Lydia Abarca of […]
1978 – Anne Benna Sims joins American Ballet Theatre 1978 Anne Benna Sims joins American Ballet Theatre In 1978, Anne Benna Sims joined the American Ballet Theatre as the first African […]
1980 – Debra Austin joins the Zurich Ballet 1980 Debra Austin joins the Zurich Ballet In 1980, Debra Austin leaves New York City Ballet to join Ballett Zürich as a […]
1982 – Debra Austin is hired as a principal with Pennsylvania Ballet / Alonzo King LINES Ballet is founded 1982 Debra Austin is hired as a principal with Pennsylvania Ballet In 1982, Austin was hired by Robert Weiss, the artistic director […]
1983 – Lauren Anderson joins Houston Ballet 1983 Lauren Anderson joins Houston Ballet In 1983, Lauren Anderson (b. 1965) joined the Houston Ballet following her high school graduation. Native […]
1985 – Noel Wallace becomes the first Black dancer with London Festival Ballet 1985 Noel Wallace becomes the first Black dancer with London Festival Ballet (English National Ballet) Though he was originally rejected from the […]
1986 – Brenda Edwards becomes first Black female dancer with English National Ballet 1986 Brenda Edwards becomes first Black female dancer with English National Ballet After Noel Wallace is hired as the first Black dancer […]